Welcome to my new site!
Hello and welcome to my all new and improved site! It’s been a few years since I last updated or did anything whatsoever with my website, so I decided to go with something a bit more structured, modular and well-designed. For those curious, this site was built using the static site generator Jekyll, hosted on GitHub pages, and linked to my domain at Namecheap. This clean and functional design and most of the structure comes from this template made by Minimal Mistakes. While I could have designed and built my own website from scratch like I did in the past, I am currently busy with other back-end and software applications and didn’t feel like spending a lot of time on the front-end of things.
The main purpose of this website is for it to be my personal hub online. I’ve left traditional social media behind a few years ago, yet I still want a place to expose some of my work, interests and opinions online for those who are interested, without having to deal with much of the nonsense. Most of my posts will probably be on software, technology, cars, and any other topics that pique my interest. However, that may change with time as well as its purpose and structure. I’m open to see what becomes of it.
Feel free to browse around, check my about page to get to know me a bit better, and if you want to contact me, you can do so from the links on the side (or the “Follow” button above if you’re on mobile).